How much does a cdn cost

Jul 19, 202411 mins read

The cost of a Content Delivery Network (CDN) varies depending on factors such as traffic volume, geographical coverage, and additional features. Basic CDN services can start as low as a few dollars per month, offering essential caching and content delivery benefits. However, premium CDNs with extensive global reach and advanced security features may cost significantly more, tailored to larger ente

The cost structure 





The billing of CDN services typically consists of three components: base fee, traffic fee, and bandwidth fee. The base fee is the fundamental charge for using CDN services, the traffic fee is based on the traffic utilized by the user, and the bandwidth fee is calculated according to the bandwidth used by the user.

● Billing Methods

There are mainly seven billing methods for CDN:

● Pay-as-you-go: Billing based on actual traffic usage.

● Peak bandwidth billing: Billing based on the peak bandwidth usage.

● Prepaid traffic package: Users prepay a certain amount, valid for one year.

● Monthly settlement of 95th percentile bandwidth: Billing based on the 95th percentile peak bandwidth per month.

● Port-based billing: Billing based on fixed port sizes.

● Daily peak monthly average: Billing based on the daily peak bandwidth averaged over the month.

● Whole-site acceleration billing: Includes basic service billing and value-added service billing.





View CDN pricing details here:

Detailed explanation of CDN rules




Basic Fee

The basic fee is the fundamental cost incurred by users for utilizing CDN services, typically covering expenses such as equipment leasing, maintenance, upgrades, and related aspects. Pricing for the basic fee generally considers factors like equipment model, configuration, and maintenance complexity.

Traffic Fee

The traffic fee is charged based on the volume of CDN service usage by users. Usually, CDN service providers set different prices based on various traffic levels. Additionally, some providers offer traffic package discounts to encourage greater CDN service usage.

Bandwidth Fee

The bandwidth fee is charged based on the bandwidth utilized by users. Typically, CDN service providers establish different prices according to different bandwidth levels. Additionally, to meet the needs of different users, some providers offer bandwidth package discounts.

Billing Cycle

The billing cycle for CDN services is usually calculated on a monthly basis. Some providers also offer different billing cycles such as daily or weekly for user selection.

Billing Method

CDN billing methods generally include two types: prepayment and post-payment. Prepayment requires users to pay a certain amount in advance to use CDN services, while post-payment charges users based on the actual resources utilized during usage.




 Common downstream settlement methods



"Monthly settlement: Income earned in the current month is withdrawn in the following month, commonly around mid-month, occasionally by the end of the following month or later.

Weekly settlement: Income earned in the current week is withdrawn in the following week. Buyout equipment and some monthly settlement businesses do not support this.

Daily settlement: Income earned on the current day is withdrawn on the following day, with a certain handling fee. This option is supported by fewer platforms.

Most platforms primarily offer monthly and weekly settlements, with daily settlements available in fewer cases. For private CDN settlements, a common practice is deducting 6% tax. Some platforms also charge an additional 1% withdrawal fee on top of the 6% tax."


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