Gaming Industry Solutions

Create comprehensive security protection shield for games

DDOS Defense

DDOS Defense

Years of accumulation in high-traffic DDoS scrubbing technology, with 7-layer filtering, packet-by-packet detection, layer-by-layer cleansing, the most detailed detection granularity in the industry, impervious to high-traffic attacks, they never breached.

Zero false positives for CC

Zero false positives for CC

The SDK software integration offers flexible integration methods, supporting EXE packaging, DLL referencing, and SDK development. Between the client SDK and protection nodes, exclusive multidimensional algorithm systems such as IP profiling and gene recognition are used for encrypted communication, allowing only legitimate business access through the SDK, ensuring precise CC defense, and zero false blocking of user traffic.

Transport Encryption

Transport Encryption

Encrypt business traffic through the SDK, eliminating man-in-the-middle sniffing and tampering attacks, preventing various cheating through packet capture, avoiding data replay attacks, and enhancing transmission security.

Ultra-fast distribution

Ultra-fast distribution

Global coverage of node resources, T-level redundancy to cope with emergencies, automatic switch to the optimal node in milliseconds, multi-link parallel transmission mode, stronger anti-jitter capability, providing users with a better gaming experience.

Anti-fraud cheating

Anti-fraud cheating

Deeply optimized AI-powered bot detection algorithm for seamless verification, AI smart scrubbing, and discarding to reduce the risk of game engine freeze and crashes significantly. Data packets are forwarded and encrypted based on cloud nodes, with exclusive private protocol authentication to immunize against DNS/HTTP hijacking.

Video live streaming solution

We have a massive network of nodes and powerful cloud media processing capabilities, offering stable, smooth, reliable, high-concurrency CDN solutions suitable for live streaming, video, and social media.

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Live streaming acceleration

Live streaming acceleration

We perfectly balance user experience and operational costs, providing a manageable and controllable large-scale live streaming distribution product that offers users stable, ultra-low latency, low buffering, and cost-effective video live streaming services.

Video acceleration

Leveraging our caching nodes worldwide, intelligent routing and load balancing scheduling systems, as well as our self-developed video compression algorithm, greatly reducing server response time, improving transmission speed, and providing users with the best viewing experience.

Video acceleration
Media Socializing

Media Socializing

We provide intelligent, highly secure, scalable, and maintainable content distribution and secure operations solutions for digital media and social platforms to address comprehensive needs in technology, operations, and management.

Blockchain Solutions

We provide round-the-clock blockchain security services for DeFi, Web3, GameFi, NFT projects.


Serviced Clients


Protection Responses


Protection Projects

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Brian Armstrong
Brian Armstrong

CDN5 is a trusted partner of Coinbase!

Arthur Madrid
Arthur Madrid

Thank you for all the work that CDN5 has contributed to the success of Sandbox.

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We provide a one-stop security solution, always with what you need.

Distributed defense against DDoS and high-security three-dimensional anti-CC system, Experiencing blazing-fast speed.

Configure forwarding rules through High Defense IP to direct attack traffic to High Defense IP and clean it to guarantee service availability.

Protects web applications from common network threats by monitoring, filtering, and blocking packets.

Cyber security solutions are tools and services that help protect organizations against cyber attacks. Prevent downtime, data theft, and more。

An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) maintains network traffic looks for unusual activity and sends alerts when it occurs.

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