What is the main difference between Dos and DDos ?

Aug 09, 202426 mins read

A DoS (Denial of Service) attack overwhelms a single server, while a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack uses multiple systems to flood the target, causing greater disruption.

The main difference between a DoS (Denial of Service) attack and a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack is the scale and method of the attack. A DoS attack is usually initiated by a single source and paralyzes the target system through a large number of requests or other means. A DDoS attack, on the other hand, is initiated by multiple sources distributed in different locations, using a large number of distributed devices to attack the target at the same time, increasing the strength and difficulty of the attack, and is usually more difficult to defend. 


 What is Dos?

DoS (Denial of Service) attack, i.e. Denial of Service attack. The means of attack is by sending a large number of malicious packets to the target of the attack, to occupy a large number of resources of the target host. The target host has to spend most of the resources to process these packets, resulting in the need for normal access to the packets that can not be processed promptly, thus generating high network latency or even leading to packet drop and inability to respond.

The essence of the DoS attack is to take advantage of the flaws in the current network protocols, through a variety of ways to wantonly consume the resources of the target host, the purpose is to cause the target host can not provide normal service, crash, or downtime.

SYN flood (SYNFlood) attack is to take advantage of the TCP/IP protocol, in the three handshakes to connect due to the lack of authentication mechanisms to carry out the DoS attack.

DoS attacks are simple and effective, and can produce rapid results. Common DoS attack methods are SYN Flood, UDP Flood, ICMP Flood, Ping of Death, Teardrop, etc. The network bandwidth problem is one of the reasons for DoS attacks. Network bandwidth is one of the problems faced by DoS attacks, a single DoS attack is generally used in a one-to-one manner, when the attack target's memory is small, the CPU processing capacity is weak or network bandwidth and other performance indicators are not high, the attack effect is very obvious. With the development of computer and network technology, the processing power of the computer has increased dramatically, the memory has grown greatly, but also the emergence of a gigabit network, which means that the attack target's "digestive capacity" has been strengthened, for example, the attacker sends 2,000 attack packets to the victim per second, while the host and the network bandwidth processing capacity of 10,000 attack packets per second or more. For example, if an attacker sends 2,000 packets per second to a victim, and the host and network bandwidth can handle more than 10,000 packets per second, such a DoS attack will not have a significant effect. To overcome this shortcoming, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks were born. 


What is a DDoS Distributed Denial of Service Attack?

A DDoS attack, or Distributed Denial of Service Attack, is a type of network attack in which multiple computers or network devices are controlled to send a large number of invalid or anomalous requests to a target server, thereby consuming the server's resources and preventing it from processing normal user requests. Such attacks can come from a large number of different locations on the Internet, making tracking and defense difficult. The main purpose of a DDoS attack is to prevent access to normal services for legitimate users by overloading the target server, which can lead to serious economic losses and business interruptions. For example, an e-commerce platform  may temporarily shut down its website in the event of a DDoS attack, preventing legitimate users from placing orders for goods.  

1. Definition: A distributed denial of service attack is an attack that consists of multiple attackers working in concert, which are distributed in different locations and work together to attack the target system or network.

2. Attack Method: A DDoS attack involves large-scale attacking machines, usually zombie computers or infected devices, that are manipulated by attackers to focus fire on a target. Attackers use these machines to send a large number of requests or to hog the target's resources and make them unavailable.

3. Characteristics: DDoS attacks are more difficult to defend against because the source of the attack is dispersed and the attack traffic may exceed the capacity of the target system. Attackers often use multiple attack channels to make the attack more threatening.

DoS Attack Defense

A DoSe attack is not something you can just leave to chance. At present, with the continuous updating of the protocol version, the vulnerabilities that have been made public can be exploited less and less, and more and more units are beginning to pay attention to network security, deployment of WAF, recruitment of professional security personnel and other operations can be effective in ensuring system security. Common defense methods are as follows:

1. Network traffic monitoring and filtering: establish a network traffic monitoring mechanism to monitor network traffic in real-time. Through the configuration of firewalls, intrusion detection system IDS, and intrusion prevention system IPS, abnormal traffic detection and filtering to prevent malicious traffic from entering the network.

2. Increase bandwidth and server capacity: Increase network bandwidth and server capacity so that the network and system can better handle a large number of requests and have a certain degree of fault tolerance to reduce DoS attacks caused by overload.

3. Use reverse proxy and load balancing: By using reverse proxy and load balancing techniques, add a layer of buffering and filtering between the external network and the internal servers, so that malicious requests cannot access the servers directly, thus mitigating the impact of DoS attacks on the servers.  


To prevent DDoS attacks, the following measures can be taken:

Regular Troubleshooting and Maintenance: Do vulnerability scanning and repair work to increase the overall security index of the server in use.

Traffic monitoring: Real-time monitoring of network traffic through traffic monitoring tools to detect abnormal network traffic changes.

Network Behavior Analysis: Use network behavior analysis tools to detect the existence of abnormal packets or protocols.

Server Performance Monitoring: Monitor the CPU, memory, disk, and other resources of the server to detect abnormal resource utilization.

Response Time Monitoring: Monitor the response time of network services to detect abnormal response time.

Professional Protection Services: Use professional DDoS protection services to clean traffic, and separate and block malicious traffic.


Read morewhat is a DDoS attack and how does it work?

How to prevent DOS and DDOS attacks? [General

1. Traffic Filtering: Use a firewall or Intrusion Detection System (IDS/IPS) to filter or restrict malicious traffic from entering the target network.

2. Load Balancing: Use load balancing devices to distribute traffic to ensure that no single server or resource is over-consumed.

3. Cloud Protection: With DDoS protection services from a cloud service provider, attack traffic can be filtered in the cloud to reduce the burden on the target network.

4. Network Monitoring: Use network monitoring tools to detect abnormal traffic and signs of attacks, as well as take real-time action against attacks.

5. Firewalls and IPS: Use powerful firewalls and intrusion prevention systems to detect and block malicious traffic.

6. Updates and Emergency Plans: Ensure that systems and network devices are up-to-date with the latest security status and have disaster recovery plans in place to respond to attacks.





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